• Leptitox Recipes Era: A time from the mid

    Leptitox Recipes Era: A time from the mid 70's of last century when there was a first discussion on the topic "paleo recipes" started by a gastroenterologist, which was further adapted and argued by many other famous writers and authors. The words which were quoted by those authors and writers about paleo recipes were; "The diet eaten by ancient people in Paleolithic period was very simple and was in its pure Primal grow pro form.

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    Short and Tall Tales

    Adventures of a pair driving across the heartland

  • Short and Tall Tales

  • The Travelers

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    William H. the Driver

    I have the navigation skills of a homing pigeon. And yes, I brag about it a lot.

    broken image

    Dave T. the writer

    Ask me to go somewhere and I'll be there. I'm all about the sunrise hikes.

  • Where to Next